The Christmas Stencil Solar Printing DIY kit offers a fun and creative way to make unique artwork using plants and festive stencils. Enjoy instant gratification and perfect gift-giving with free worldwide shipping, personalized notes, and gift wrapping included.
The kit includes:
- Stencils
- A chosen number of light-sensitive sheets of paper (4x6 inches or 10x15 cm)
- Postcard size paper
- Perfect size for crafting gift cards or framed prints
- Tear into smaller pieces to make small note cards and scrapbook embellishments
Experiment with different plants or write on glass to create art prints. By exposing the paper to solar rays for 5-20 minutes, you can achieve various depths of blue. The longer the exposure, the deeper the blue will develop in the water stage. All you need to do is take your kit to a dimly lit space, remove one sheet from the kit, place stencils and plants on top of the treated paper, use a cellphone bag to hold plants in place, and secure layers with clothes pegs. Alternatively, you can use a clean piece of glass from an old picture frame to contact the paper, which will help create sharper prints. Parental supervision is advised.
Once you've exposed the paper to solar rays, cover it and bring it back to your dimly lit space to remove objects. Rinse your paper in cold running water, making sure not to rub it. Pat it dry and allow 24 hours to develop its full colour depth of beautiful blue. You can even fast-track this step with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in developing water to speed up the oxidization.
If you're in Melbourne, Australia, you can join my creative workshops for solar printing and botanical dying tutorials. Follow me on Instagram at https://instagram.com/elemental_leaf?igshid=dl2lai9qset4 for more botanical inspiration.
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